A Lesson From ABC's Robin Roberts’ Breast Cancer Report
So many times we had to learn from the tragedy that befalls others and make some checks on ourselves. That’s is the case with ABC "Good Morning America" anchor Robin Roberts who has been diagnosed with breast cancer and will be undergoing surgery Friday. Report on her illness reveals: “I never thought I'd be writing this ... I have breast cancer. It all started a few weeks ago. We had gotten the news that our dear colleague and friend, Joel Siegel, had passed away and we began preparing for our special tribute show for him. I did a piece about Joel's courageous battle with cancer reporting on the way my friend had lived his life and been such a successful advocate for the importance of early cancer screenings. That very night when I went to bed, I did a self breast exam and found something that women everywhere fear: I found a lump.” This is a lesson for all especially when its possible to find out these things ourselves. So in situation like this it necessary to go ...