10 Hurdles to Overcome When Approaching Women

Starting a conversation with an attractive woman can be a nerve-racking experience. In fact, many guys are so intimidated by attractive women that they avoid most females they don't know; in turn, missing opportunities to meet potential girlfriends every day.

The solution here is to overcome your "knee jerk" reaction to avoid attractive woman and learn to approach them with confidence.

Here are 10 tips to help you do it:

Approach her no matter what
If you approach, you win -- no matter what happens. Most guys are too focused and concerned about a conversation going well and walking away with a phone number. This is a big mistake. Look at it this way: As long as you open your mouth and say something -- anything at all -- you're doing what 95% of guys can only dream about. Congratulate yourself the instant you start the conversation -- after all, you're already a cut above the rest! Once you've made this initial verbal contact, relax and enjoy the chat with her.

Ignore your excuses
One of the best ways to move forward and start a conversation is to learn to ignore your own excuses: "She'll never go for me;" "She'll think I'm a slime-ball or a pervert;" "She's busy, I don't want to interrupt her.". All these excuses come from the desire to stay in your "comfort zone," and each one is complete BS. As soon as you notice these excuses in your head, stop thinking, go over to her and start talking. You'll be glad you did.

Screw up big time
Are you a perfectionist? If so, work on restraining your need to get things just right (at least when it comes to the female sex). When you expect to have perfect interactions with women, you put too much pressure on yourself, which makes it harder to get off your butt and take action. Even if you mess up, be happy with yourself for taking the initiative.

Focus on how you'll feel if you don't talk to her
One reason you hesitate to start talking to her is because it feels uncomfortable to take the leap. But the fact is, it's more uncomfortable not to. Think about it: If you approach her, you may be nervous at first, but before you know it, the conversation is over. And if you don't approach her, you'll wish you had, and you'll carry that regret with you for the rest of the day. Save yourself the agony and go talk to her.

Don't put undue pressure on yourself
When most guys see a woman they'd like to meet, they immediately view her as a potential date -- which creates all sorts of pressure. Instead, look at the next woman you meet as an opportunity to work on your "skills." This "mindset shift" helps you to be less attached to the outcome; in turn, making you more relaxed and more likely to start the conversation. Don't forget: You also improve the chances of it turning out to be a fun experience for everyone.

Use fear as your signal to approach
Learn to make fear your friend. Next time you're afraid to say something to a woman, realize that fear is a sign that you need to start the interaction. Using fear as a guide allows you to stretch your comfort zone, become a more confident guy and meet new women. Just get it done and you'll feel great!

Be courageous and you'll become confident
How would you define courage? Is it having no fear of doing "scary" stuff? Actually, the correct definition of courage is "the ability to take action in spite of fear." The courageous man isn't the one who doesn't feel fear -- it's the one who can push himself to take action even though he is feeling afraid. The next time you want to talk to a woman and you begin to feel that nervous energy rushing through your body, see it as an opportunity to have courage and channel your fear to make the conversation happen. Your self-confidence will get an instant boost, and you might just meet a great woman in the process.

Don't stereotype
Sure, every once in a while, a woman is going to act a little grouchy when you try to start a conversation with her. But don't forget, this is the exception, not the rule. Once you start approaching more women, you'll find that most are friendly as long as you don't act like a dumbass. So stop telling yourself that every woman will turn out to be snooty, because it's far from the truth.

Make the move
Do you want to know a simple yet effective trick to get unstuck? Stop trying to figure out what you're going to say and just begin moving in her direction. On the way over, you'll naturally notice something you can comment on and use that to start the conversation -- no matter how simple it may be. The key is to say something to get the ball rolling and let things progress from there.

Grab every opportunity to talk to women
Did you just miss a perfect opportunity to talk to a woman? No, you didn't -- it's never too late. Stop what you're doing, find her, and have the conversation you should have had earlier. You'll find it's no big deal and she'll be impressed that you went out on a limb to speak to her.
master your fear of picking up
Apply all 10 tips listed here, and you'll be on your way to seducing women. Be cocky, be funny and, soon enough, you'll get more dates then you have time for.


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