Is McCain Admitting Palin is a Liability? Wishes He Chose Charlie Crist

A friend of mine suggested weeks ago that John McCain did not pick Sarah Palin as his VP running mate. She believes McCain's people picked Palin. And according to this, I'm inclined to believe that Palin was not McCain's first choice:
Sen. John McCain acknowledged in an exclusive interview Friday that he probably would be better positioned in must-win Florida if he had picked Gov. Charlie Crist as his running mate.

"Charlie, because he's so popular, he probably would have made a significant difference,'' McCain said in an interview with the St. Petersburg Times and Bay News 9.
Is McCain saying Palin isn't popular, or is he saying she's not as popular as his people first thought she was?

The media has called Palin a liability and even conservative blogger Andrew Allison says
John McCain chose Sarah Palin, so he has no-one to blame but himself, but as I have said before, why didn't they vet her thoroughly? Why didn't they find out that she knew absolutely nothing about foreign policy and economics? Why didn't they probe her and find out that she was intellectually inferior for the job of Vice-President?
Personally, I'm glad McCain chose Palin. His actions have helped push Obama closer and closer to victory. I'm guessing McCain chose Palin because he thought having her by his side would help him appeal to Hillary Clinton supporters who hated the idea of Obama winning the Democratic nomination. But, how many independent voters would have voted for a McCain/Crist ticket? Two old gray-haired men doing the same stupid shit that Bush did? No thanks!


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