Paula Abdul Feels Threatened By Kara DioGuardi As American Idol Judge

Paula Abdul Feels Threatened By Kara DioGuardi As American Idol Judge

Kara DioGuardi joins the show today in NY for the first round of auditions, where she'll meet her co-panelists face to face. When asked whether her judging style falls into the nicer, Randy/Paula brand of criticism or on Simon's blunt, sometimes forceful end, DioGuardi says she's not similar to anybody.

"I have my own style ... I'm honest," she says, "And pretty feisty."

Just hours after the announcement that "American Idol" will be adding a fourth judge, Grammy-nominated songwriter Kara DioGuardi, for the show's eighth season, Paula Abdul said she has concerns about the newcomer.

Paula said on Phoenix's KISS-FM that she's excited about DioGuardi coming aboard, according to, but added: "I am concerned about the audience and acceptance. Time will tell. We'll see."

She said that DioGuardi was added because the show's producers "wanted to try a change," and noted that the show "always tried for a fourth judge because it followed the format of the original show, 'Pop Idol.' We haven't had much luck with that working, but we're gonna give it another try."

Abdul replied with a "nope!" when asked if the four judges — Simon Cowell and Randy Jackson, along with DioGuardi and herself — have sat down and given their chemistry a test run. She said DioGuardi will be involved in "everything" related to "Idol," adding that the judges are currently in New York for "Idol" auditions (for which "American Idol" expert Jim Cantiello tried out last week). "We shoot tomorrow," she added.

Abdul admitted that the presence of a fourth judge complicates the judging process.

"That's gonna be weird if it's a split decision," she said. "I'm sure Simon will get to make the final [call]. It takes the fun out of all the hard work I do to push those kids through."


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