Tania Zaetta Still Furious About Sex Claims With Aussie Troops

Entertainer Tania Zaetta is still furious over claims she had sex with Aussie troops on a war zone tour, despite Defence chiefs offering an apology yesterday over its handling of the affair.

The Bollywood movie star said "mud sticks" and is still hoping fellow performer Angry Anderson -- and the media - will offer an apology to clear the "slur" on her name.

Defence head Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston and Defence Secretary Nick Warner both admitted the military completely mismanaged the affair - which Zaetta vigorously denies - after a so-called "Hot Issues Brief" containing the claims from ageing rocker Anderson was distributed to 96 people. It was recalled four minutes later and the names removed.

Despite his denials, The Daily Telegraph can reveal Anderson triggered the scandal when he told Lt-Col Greg McCauley that Zaetta had sex with troops and there were "photographs to prove it". But last night Zaetta said she did not expect an apology from Anderson.

"Well it's great that I have the apology so far from the Defence Force and I do feel I was owed that," she told the Nine Network. "I do know that mud sticks."

She also indicated she was considering legal action against newspapers, including The Daily Telegraph.

Despite claims from her agent Max Markson that Zaetta wants the story to go away, his agency Markson Sparks sent unsolicited jpeg images of his client to the Telegraph yesterday.

He also sent four other shots featuring Zaetta to this newspaper after the story broke last month.

Separately, sources close to the military have sent new photographs showing Zaetta with Australian troops.

Anderson made the claims to Lt-Col McCauley, who was commanding officer of the Middle East tour, during a TV taping session in Melbourne.

Anderson, who sits on the forces advisory committee on entertainment, flatly denied that he was the source of the allegations.

However, a government source said that Lt-Col McCauley immediately reported Anderson's allegation to his chain of command, which then generated the infamous brief for Defence Minister Joel Fitzgibbon and subsequently 96 others.

Written reports also say Anderson was the source of the allegation. Zaetta has expressed her hurt.

During Senate Estimates hearings yesterday, ACM Houston said he was "absolutely appalled" by the scandal.

"I will obviously apologise and express my deep regret about any hurt she has suffered," he said.

"I was absolutely appalled that the names were put out in the 'hot issues brief' and I regret the whole thing."


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