Kylie Minogue In the Centre Of A Photo-Controversy

A Kylie Minogue fan has outed herself as the spy who dobbed in a Wellington strip club using Minogue's image to the pop star's management team.

Melanie Wise, 29, said she took a photograph of a promotional poster, featuring Minogue in a saturated white T-shirt four years before the star had a partial mastectomy, in the window of Santa Fe Dreamgirls strip club in February.

Her husband said Miss Wise went "apoplectic" when they saw the poster, immediately recognising the sultry shot as a promotional image from 2001's Fever album.

Miss Wise, a devout Minogue fan since the 1980s, sent the photograph to record company executives acting for the star in Auckland.

"It was just so offensive to me," she said, acknowledging she was protective of the star who battled breast cancer throughout 2005 and 2006. "It was just so obvious and so blatant."

It took nine months, but this week Santa Fe Dreamgirls owner Garth Rosson received a letter from Minogue's lawyers, Sheridans Solicitors in London, demanding the strip joint take the poster down and never again use Minogue's image.

Mr Rosson said the poster was not currently being used.

If Sheridans could prove it was Minogue, 39, he would stop using the image on posters and sandwich boards for wet T-shirt competitions.

However, saucy, good-quality, high-resolution shots were rare and, if Sheridans could not prove the image was Minogue, he would continue using it.

He remained unconvinced it was the diminutive Aussie pop star.

"As for Mel," he said, "I would have thought she'd have better things to do with her time."


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