Celebrities Who Wax Off The Entire Expanse Of Their Pubic Hair

BRAZILIANS are hot right now in the celebrity world. And we're not talking about people who come from Brazil but, rather, that peculiar practice of waxing off the entire expanse of one's pubic hair.

It appears that Famous has compiled a dossier on the subject, listing a who's who of celebrity devotees including Jennifer Aniston.

"She may be famous for her glossy mane of hair, but it seems the 38-year-old actress is far more concerned about the hair that's growing downstairs," Famous tells.

Turns out that Jen "is neurotic about bikini waxes", booking appointments "even when there was no hair to wax" and insisting that the beauty therapist wax off "peach fuzz" because she's "phobic about extraneous, stray hairs".

Equally obsessive is Jennifer Lopez. "J.Lo once had a wax in a posh hotel in Miami and allegedly flew into a rage after discovering a stray hair in a very hard to reach place."

Other fans include Gwyneth Paltrow, who ambiguously claims Brazilians "changed her life", and Eva Longoria, who believes they are better than Viagra in the bedroom.

"It make sex better," says Longoria in Famous. "I love it, I swear by it. Every woman should try a Brazilian once. And the sex they have afterwards will make them keep coming back."

You can always count on Woman's Day not to stoop so low as to print stories about pubic hair. Until now, that is.

It appears Woman's Day has mistaken itself for NW. The fact that the Day's new editor, Amy Sinclair, hails from NW may have something to do with it. Looks like Sinclair has been charged with ushering Woman's Day through a traumatic midlife crisis; tearing off the mag's grey cardigan and squeezing it into a pair of skinny jeans and a boob tube - and sending it off to the beautician for a Brazilian.

Well, sort of. The magazine's usual roster of snoring stories about the royals (English, Danish, Spanish, Molvanian … whatever, any will do) and painfully uninteresting Australian TV stars are still there, but now they are wedged between a healthy dose of sex, drugs and booze binges, rehab tales, sex tapes, skinny stars, fat stars, freaky stars and general celebrity train wrecks.

Exhibit A: The magazine's opening feature is an exposé on Prince Harry (OK, so they couldn't stray from the royals completely) proudly snorting vodka through his nose and suctioning wine glasses to his nipples.

Exhibit B: Fellow celebrity lush Hugh Grant looking drunk as a skunk, surrounded by a gaggle of pretty young girls who all seem to be trying to kiss/caress/cuddle him simultaneously.

Exhibit C: Angelina Jolie vowing to drag her non-existent behind into rehab after two booze-filled collapses.

Exhibit D: Pregnant Nicole Richie might be off the booze and drugs but she's got a new addiction to contend with … dog biscuits. Yes, dog biscuits.

Exhibit E: Courtney Love's "furry new look" - and that's her face, not her coat, that they're talking about.

It's enough to send nanna screaming out of the newsagent with disgust. Looks like Reader's Digest is about to get a boost in its circulation figures.

NW refuses to be outdone in the celeb mag wars, with an outstanding item on Jennifer Love Hewitt, which wins the boob story of the week. Reveals Hewitt: "My boobs talk to people a lot. 'Mine are bigger than yours.' They say that when they're in the mall and they see other ones."

More stories on boobs and Brazilians - now that's what Woman's Day needs.


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